Water Rates and Charges

Understanding Your Water Bill

Water and wastewater charges are billed by Oakville Hydro on behalf of Halton Region; who set the water and wastewater rates. Your total bill is made up of:

  • A monthly service charge based on meter size
  • A consumption charge based on 100% of water consumption

The Halton Region Water & Wastewater Rates for 2025 were approved and take effect on January 1, 2025. These rates include a combined increase of 5.5% over 2024 rates. To view Halton Region’s 2025 Rate Card, click here.

Combined water and wastewater rates (effective January 1, 2025)

Fixed service charge based on water meter size*

 Meter Size ResidentialCommercial/Industrial/Institutional
 20 mm or less $38.35 $38.35
 25 mm $66.81 $124.17
 40 mm $118.80$203.87
 50 mm$276.73$445.98
 75 mm$503.94$795.00
100 mm$872.66$1,359.37
150 mm$2,239.09$3,454.12
200 mm$3,605.52$5,549.22
250 mm$4,438.60$6,932.90

Usage charges per cubic metre 

(1 m3 = 1,000 litres)

Cubic Meters (m3)             ResidentialCommercial/Industrial/Institutional
 Per Cubic Meter $3.1535 $3.1535