Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with Oakville Hydro.
(Oakville, ON) July 22, 2016 - As a means to improve the look and feel of our invoice, the format has been modified. Unfortunately, during the transition process, a technical problem occurred for a short period of time for some bills that were printed incorrectly. The amounts on the bills are correct. However, the representation of the bill, including the graphs and information in MyOakvilleHydro relating to the current bill, is not. We quickly corrected the issue and all bills going forward have the proper information. We apologize for any inconvenience that this situation may have caused. Please call Customer Service at 905-825-9400 with any questions and/or concerns.
You spoke and we listened. We value our customers and have developed a new bill design based on the feedback we received.
The refreshed look and feel will launch in August and includes:
The new layout will allow customers to have insight into their consumption behaviours.